Residential Cleanings
Sanitize countertops, sink & backsplash
Wash exterior of appliances & interior microwave
Wash any dirty dishes
Wipe down table legs, chairs, barstools
Wipe down cabinet exterior
Wash under sink by garbage
Living Room
Quick tidy & pick up
Light organizing
Dust all surfaces throughout home
Wet wipe all surfaces throughout home
Sanitize door knobs & light switches
Empty All Garbages
Sweep, vacuum, and wash all floors
Quick tidy & pick up
Light organizing
Dust all surfaces throughout the bedroom (including baseboards)
Make beds
Dust interior windows
Vacuum carpets
Sweep and mop floors
Entire Home
Wipe down windowsills
Spot clean interior windows
Vacuum carpets
Sweep and mop floors
Light organizing
Wipe-wash-polish sinks, tub/shower
Wipe-wash-polish toilets, base & bowl
Clean mirrors
Wipe down cabinet exterior
Polish all chrome surfaces
Wipe down baseboards
Add-On Options
Clean oven Interior
Clean refrigerator interior
Pantry clean-up
Clean interior windows